Nugget #2
I know, I know... how can I tell at 15 weeks what the sex of the baby is? Well, put together at $200,000 ultrasound machine with the best ultrasonographer OB/GYN in the state of Arizona and ta-dah! Piece of cake. Now, I will still have another ultrasound at 20 weeks but this awesome machine could identify a 4 chambered heart, all fingers and toes, a 3 vessel umbillical cord with good insertion, all parts of the brain, good amniotic fluid, and all measurements within normal limits.
Oh yes- my slightly enlarged uterus only contains one nugget #2
congrats! it will be way fun for you to have two girls runnin around! I love the high tech machines...Drew and I found out at 13 weeks that we were having a boy, that gave me LOTS of extra shopping time. :)
I am so very excited. Names?? I think you should actually name her Nuggita. She would love it & kids would never make fun of her...ever!
I can't wait for Thanksgiving!! I hope you are showing more then....weeee
YAY! Now will you start showing so I don't keep forget your pregnant!?
Wow...that is exciting. I totally wanted another girl after Kaia. It would have been lots of fun. But I have to tell you....a little boy is something special too. Have so much fun buying cute matching outfits! I had to return all mine when I found out at 7 months pregant that the baby inside wasn't a girl...but a boy!
Oh my gosh! I hadn't heard!!! Congrats!!!!!!
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