Friday, December 12, 2008

Ultrasound Appointment

Since "weigh in"** was today I am sitting here drinking egg nog and listening to Ryann scream.
I went to get my 20 week ultrasound and had to wake her up from her nap (she only slept about 20 min instead of 3 hours) so now that I am home almost 3 hours later she is screaming because she is so tired and wont fall asleep.
We'll just see who has more willpower.
So I will post ultrasound pictures soon-- Rich promised me that our scanner was working even though I told him it wasn't. So right now I can't figure out how to scan the pictures to post them. Instead I will just post a picture of Ryann for your viewing pleasure.
(sorry Cara-- Ryann is a little more cute at this stage of the game)
**weigh in is that dreaded time with each prenatal visit where they like to weigh you and see how fat you have gotten since the last appointment. So I try to starve myself the day before and eat as much as I want after the appointment!**

1 comment:

Angie said...

ha ha! I hate weigh ins! From one appointment to the next I had gained 7 a lecture. Next appt lost a lecture. I swear they are never happy! I'm excited to see the ultrasound pictures, but you are right Ryann is probably cuter! :)