Sunday, January 18, 2009

Nugs 1: Dad 0

It was hard to decide on a post for this blog. I was choosing between:
1. Toddler Bed Night #1
2. Nugs vs Toddler Bed
3. How to get a horrible night sleep
4. Daddy's Tired
5. Dad is Obviously More Fun Than Mom
and the list goes on and on...
So anyway, I decided last night to have Nugs sleep in her toddler bed. Since the girls will be sleeping in the same room I want to get a head start on having Nugs out of the crib. So we did the bedtime routine and we laid her in her bed and and tucked her in. She didn't immediately start screaming like we thought- she just would walk to the door after a few minutes and knock. So then Rich would open her door and put her back in bed. He only had to do this 4 or 5 times before she fell asleep in her bed!
We were aware that she would probably wake up sometime in the middle of the night screaming and we would just calm her down or whatever.
(we didn't really think this through or have a game plan)
Fast foward to midnight. Crying starts- not screaming, just long drawn out crying like "mom, did you forget about me?" crying. The kind that pulls you to them immediately-
So I go and lay down with her in the bed and we fall asleep until 3 when she decides it is time to play with mom. So after an hour of this I decide to put her in her crib and go back to bed. As I set her down she immediately starts SCREAMING. Like full on bloody murder SCREAMING. So I walk away and hope she calms down. She doesn't, so I send Rich in- thinking after my 1 hour of no sleep he should take a turn.
Well, obviously Daddy is more fun to play with than mommy because according to Rich he didn't sleep at all.
So I feel a little bad. But I am happy to say Nugs slept in her toddler bed excellent from 7-12 (5 hours) and then another 3 hours she slept pretty well. So a total of 8 hours of sleep in her toddler bed is a good start if you ask me.
But please don't ask Rich... cause he won't tell you the same thing.

Here is Nugs saying, "who me? I would never keep my daddy awake! But... just in case I accidently did... I will wear his t-shirt he made in kindergarten so he is really happy next time he looks at me."


Erin and Zach said...

AAAHHH! She looks so much like her Mommy! I cant stand it. I've always thought...well, sort of...I mean, the eyes, etc but for some reason here I totally see you Britti.
I miss you guys <3

Unknown said...

She looks great!

Happy blogging,

Toddler Bed Mattress|Bedding Set|Bed Rail

April Kennedy said...

Hope tonight goes better...especially if tomorrow is a work day!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute! The birthday boy better catch up on his sleep before Tuesday!!!

Nelson said...

Definitely a success.