Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All Her Glory

We tried to put Ryann to bed tonight in her PJs but she threw a little fit because I haven't washed her clothes in awhile and there weren't any pajama's that she wanted to wear. So we got some pajama bottoms on her and she wanted to sleep without a shirt. Okay. Whatever.

Then we tried to get her to fall asleep but she was giggling and in all her naked glory she kept saying, "Naked. hehe. Naked. hehe. Naked. hehe."

We knew we weren't getting her to sleep without a shirt on so we went back in and found something for her to wear.

Unrelated to the story...
Here is a little picture of her on our daily walk to the mailbox. She is wearing daddy shoes because she thought that was pretty awesome.


Julia said...

Kids are so funny about clothes. I don't know why they have so many outfits because they always want to wear the same things anyway. Oh, and my kids somehow got the idea that the word "naked" is really "snaked" so that how we pronounce it at our house. I guess it makes sense, sort of.

Ron, Ashley, Ethan and Addison said...

Adorable Big Sister!!!

Erin and Zach said...

hehe. naked. hehe. naked.
that's what i say when i get out of the shower. weird?

CUTEST piggie tails!

The Bellyakers... said...

What is it about naked-ness? My kids giggle too!??!