Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Move like a butterfly, Sting like a scorpion

I wanted to title this post, "Never Spoon a Scorpion" but Rich voted for the other title... and he said since he got stung more than me, he had 5 votes to my 2.

What does this title mean, you ask? Well, this morning, around 2am Rich woke up dreaming of his leg hurting. So he got up and went to the bathroom. A minute later he yells at me to wake up. I pulled myself out of bed and he told me he saw a scorpion on the bathroom floor. I ran to get the duct tape (our method of choice for killing scorpions). After killing the scorpion Rich started telling me how much his leg hurt. I thought that was weird but all of the sudden I realized my knee was hurting as well.

I took a look at the back of Rich's leg and I counted 5 welts- or what I thought was bites. It wasn't until about 2 or 3 minutes later when we connected to two and realized that they were scorpion stings! The scorpion had been in bed with us. It was in the middle of us and it got my left leg and Rich's right leg. I guess I should mention it also stung my butt- but you only get a picture of my knee.
The little red dot in the middle is where my bite was. Almost 18 hours later and it still hurts something bad!

Immediately after we figured out that these were scorpion stings I was on the phone with poison control. They were excellent and told me everything I could expect. And guess what? I basically got every symptoms. By the time I was finished talking with them my tongue was completely numb. I laid in bed and felt the neurotoxins move all over my body. I felt like Bella from twilight when she was turned into a vampire. :)

I could tell when the neurotoxins reached my feet, my hands, my lips, my nose, and even my ears. I felt really weird pressure and numbness and tingling and PAIN! I also woke up around 5:30 from my alarm and my vision was really blurry. By the time I got to work at 8:30 my vision was normal, I was just having a lot of random numbness and tingling all throughout the day. (*still am! the poison control people said this could last for hours, days, or weeks!)
Fortunately for Rich his neurotoxins were contained in his leg. He limped all day and is in a lot of pain on his leg, but he isn't having all the other weird stuff going on. This picture above is the redness from the stings. It looks worse in person.

But guess what? There is always a silver lining... and this one is the fabulous dinner that was brought to my house from a wonderful friend!
We found out that Cara really likes Jell-o.


Unknown said...

I know I don't live in AZ, but I'm pretty sure I won't be sleeping tonight anyways - scary!

Cathy said...

Boy! What a day you two have had!! I am so glad that you guys are okay-- and that the poison is going away--thanks for keeping me posted although I think you should have posted a picture of your other bite--hahaha--jk! I love you guys!!

Heather said...

oh my gosh! i'm so sorry!!! that sounds absolutely miserable. i can't believe you were able to go to work. so there's not really anything you can do about the pain/symptoms?? that's awful!

*natalie said...

Yowzah! That is such a bummer but I could not stop laughing at your post. The Twilight reference did me in!

I hope the pain goes away soon...

Mamawags said...

note to self: never live in arizona!!

and, ditto!! the twilight reference is hilarious :)

get better soon!

Missy said...

Holy OUCH! I think I'd be sleeping in a hammock after that.

Erin and Zach said...

I vote for a butt photo. Your readers need the full effect. Anyway, I am so glad you guys are okay. Now protect my little munchkins!!!

love you

Andrew Taber said...

Wow, Britt! I have always been afraid of them, and used to have them all over the place in Elko when we lived there but never got stung (that I know of, and from your story, I would know). Very good descriptions, though. So you didn't need any anti-venom? What happens if you ever get stung again?

Oh, and thanks for spoiling Twilight for me. . .:-)


Kristen Kohler said...

Crazy!!! Glad you guys are okay and it didn't get the little girls!