Wednesday, July 1, 2009

She found her thumb!

Ck took to the pacifier much easier than Nugs did... However, she didn't keep it in her mouth for very long. Basically we stopped giving it to her a week or so ago because it was more of a hassle than anything. Then yesterday at the pool I noticed she started sucking her thumb to fall asleep in my arms. I am not sure when Nugs started sucking her thumb, but CK started at 2 months. Thumb suckers are pretty cute- even two year old thumb suckers like Nugs.
I will let you know what I think when she is sucking her thumb in kindergarten.
Taking a picture of your baby and then all of the sudden she spits up during a picture- Not so cute. But I still love her anyway.


Cathy said...

she is so sweet!

April Kennedy said...

Blake was/is a thumb sucker. Once he went to preschool (at 4 years old) he became aware of not wanting to suck his thumb in public. Although apparently Church doesn't count as "public". I guess he felt safe there. He no longer sucks his thumb at Church, but still does occassionaly when watching TV and always going to sleep and in bed. It is still cute to me, but that because he is my baby and I want him to stay baby. His teeth....not so cute!

I still have you package to mail. I was hoping to get something made to ship with it. Maybe sometime this week!