Monday, November 2, 2009


We got some cute pictures of Addie and Cara this weekend.
We have the classic trying to make the babies sit up next to the pumpkin picture:
We also got a sweet picture of them as best buds
And then right before bedtime!
They are so much fun and they are basically the same size. They never seemed to pay attention to each other at the same time- but they were always reaching towards the other one and they never failed to make us laugh.


Cathy said...

They really are the same size!!

Ms. Green Eyes said...

I love the one with Addie's arm around Cara. So adorable!

PS I meant to tell you at trunk-or-treat, you look fabulous! I really love how you're wearing your hair. :)

Erin and Zach said...

Hehehe best buddies picture--awesome! Wish I made it to the punkin patch to see that one. I still think you should post a picture of Cara on top of Addie. Those made me laugh the hardest. ;)

Missing you guys already!! xoxo