Friday, July 11, 2008

FlashBack Friday

4 Years ago, right as Rich and I were getting ready to go on our belated honeymoon, Rich was having quite a lot of pain-- actually he woke me up crying in pain-- The urgent care doctor said he was constipated. Well, not true. After a couple more ER visits they finally took out his ruptured appendix and the mass of infection that it left in his colon. Needless to say our honeymoon was a fun week in the hospital with bed baths, morphine pumps, popsicles and urinals.
Anytime you want Rich will show you his beautiful 10 inch scar and talk about missing part of his colon. I dare you to ask.


*natalie said...

Oh, we have already had that conversation. Good Times!!

I am loving this Flashback Friday. I may have to join in the fun!

Heather said...

sick! so what about this missing colon? jk!