Monday, February 1, 2010

Senior Pictures

I think it would appropriate to put this picture in Ryann's yearbook when she is a senior. Sufficiently embarrassing with a crazy look in her eyes. Not to mention a mouth full of food is always a great way to embarrass someone.
And a little note on the home front- Rich has started his new 3 month diet/exercise program today in order to hopefully win a contest through his work. Wish him luck and hopefully he won't be too cranky for the next couple months.


Jan said...

Very cute! I'm sure she'll appreciate it as a senior! Good luck Rich. Ben did pretty well one year through something similar with his work. All he did was eat smaller portions, less sweets, and exercised a couple times a week. Guys can lose so much easier than us!

Cathy said...

Oh Brittani-you are so fun! And Rich you can do anything you decide to do--I have seen you in action but good luck!! We are voting for you!!! We love you all!

Erin and Zach said...

Oh that is so sweet of you to already be planning blackmailing strategies. She looks so much like her mother in that photo ;)

Also, can she please call me soon and say something funny like you always write about on your little quote blurb? Or atleast video tape them! Sheesh.