Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big Girl

Cara refuses to believe she is little. She thinks she can do anything and she will. She climbs everywhere and today when she climbed on the table she started shouting, "SIT DOWN" over and over again.
She loves to feed herself and she does it best when she is sitting at her little table and not in the high chair.

Cute, but it usually leads to fights with Ryann because she wants to do whatever Ryann is doing. Oh well, such is the life of sisters.


Kristen Kohler said...

cute picture! I love Cara's hair after the ponytails too :)

Cathy said...

Yeah she cracks me up!! I thin that she has got a bit of her mommy in her!!

Erin and Zach said...

Fights with sisters? HOW STRANGE! ;-)