Nugs recently discovered the box of our new purchase (a carpet steam cleaner!) and has had a lot of fun playing in it. She mostly enjoys when I slide halfway in and tickle her...
but that is another story.

So here she is, just
chillin in a box with her
silky, and a
pumpkin necklace. Weird
(ps... pumpkin necklace is totally awesome and it is really a bell and she sleeps with it at night and she loves it and wears it all day long)
Boxes have always been a favorite of mine too!! Get the crayons or markers out next and let her go to town!!
Wait...she sleeps with a bell around her neck? Like a cow??? Is this solely so you can tell when shes coming? To prevent the sneaks from sneaking??
no, not like a cow... more like a she rings her bell so that she can summon her servants to bring her food
Her Grandmother obviously needs to be taking care of her!!!
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