Sunday, December 21, 2008

Los Angeles Trip

So on Friday we took a quick trip to L.A. My cousin was getting married and my parents were going to be there. I knew this would be my only chance to see them around the Christmas Holiday (be strong... hold back the tears...stupid hormones...) So I wanted to bring them some Christmas presents and visit with them for some time.
While we were there we were able to have 1 crazy packed car ride, 1 sleepless night, 1 beautiful day at the LA Temple, 1 cranky baby who was much happier after her 1 hour naps, 1 wedding, 1 lunch, 1 fabulous reception, and 1 awesome car ride home.
Here is Nugs for your viewing pleasure I love how she puckers her lips in an "O" to emphasize her "NOOOOO"
My friend Maddy is in the background- she saved my life by coming on this whirlwind trip!
Playing with the flowers and christmas lights
(Don't look closely at my roots! I need you Devy!!)

Fascination as she sees the beautiful temple

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Britti and Ryann and Maddi for coming to the wedding!! It was sooo fun to see you three and be able to visit!! I love my little girls!!