Thursday, January 8, 2009

Speech Therapy Anyone?

So as most of you know, Nugs doesn't talk much. She is pretty hysterical and funny and keeps us on her toes- but for some reason she hasn't felt the need to talk.
And of course we all know she is very independent.
At 18 months our pediatrician was concerned about how few words she was saying. So she had me come back in at 21 months to get her evaluated and at that point she referred me to the Arizona Early Intervention Program.
Think whatever you want (i have heard it all from, "oh- you better get her checked..." to, "well, we know she isn't dumb..." to, "She is just a late talker...") but I went ahead and had her evaluated. The first evaluation put Nugs below the charts on her language development- well, duh, I knew that... so the official "speech therapist" was called into our home.
Part of me kept thinking that it would be really nice for someone to come to our house every couple weeks or months to help teach me how to teach Nugs how to talk. It is free, it can't hurt, and it will help me develop my skills as a parent and a teacher.
Well, we were denied.
Do you cheer when you are denied? Or feel bad? I haven't decided yet.
The 6 page paper that came along with our denial letter had quite a lot of information in it. it was very detailed and described exactly what happened during the evaluation. It really boiled down to a couple things:
1. Nugs understands everything we say to her- thus we know she has the ability to communicate, even if it is one-sided.
2. Nugs has a "very strong sense of self" (therapist's words) even though she doesn't use her own name or say "mine".
4. Nugs makes all the appropriate sounds for her age so she will eventually put them together.
So that is where we stand.
The initial evaluator also reminded me that Nugs is now "on file" so if things don't develop well over the next 6 months then we can have her re-evaluated. However, I am sure she will be fine- the extra help just would have been nice.


Anonymous said...

I think that you should have her evaluated by a real professional and expert in the area--GRANDMA!!

Nelson said...

Mixed emotions. I love early intervention! It sounds like her receptive language is doing great. When she does start talking it will probably be in sentences.

Erin and Zach said...

I agree with Katie above: give it a month or two and she's going to be reciting shakespeare from memory. You've got a brilliant little girl with smarty-pants parents. She's perfect ;)

Merrill Family said...

I had the same emotions when Alex was denied. On one hand it's good because that mean they are functional enough to not need Early Intervention, but on the other hand you want the extra help. . . But I guess all in all it's a good thing!

Megan said...

My cousin is a speech therapist. If you want I could probably get you in contact with her. She has a blog if you want to read it. No worries if you don't. I am sure your daughter will be fine. She is probably waiting till she can say everything just right. My daughter Jessica is a little that way. She doesn't like to mess things up. Very independent.

April Kennedy said...

Just a little advice from a mother of a very bright little girl who ended up needing speech.....stay aware and if you think she is still needing it in a year then push it. We started Kaia in speech at 4 so that she would not be pulled out of kindergarten for it. Some early intervention are at their case load limit and will try to put off until kindergarten when the school system will be responsible. I know you are no where near that yet...but just keep it in mind as she gets older. The service is still FREE when she is 4 through the preschool intervention group and I would take care of it, if she needs it...before kindergarten.

P.S. Be grateful for now that you were denied!