Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Devyn

I was thinking about how I probably didn't need to post a "happy birthday" post for my little sister Devyn, because I figured I had posted one every year on the blog. Well, guess what? I have never posted a birthday post for her.

I know I have posted about her, but seriously- No birthday post?
I don't know where to start with Devyn.

Devyn is the most selfless and giving of anyone in my family. It is true. It also probably lets her get stepped on occasionally and be hurt by others. Not that she gets hurt often- because who could ever not be sweet to Devyn? But if someone hurts Devyn you better watch out for the rest of the Wagner family- because that is not okay to do to our Devyn.

She is giving. She will do anything for those she loves. She will do anything for someone who knows someone she loves. Once you know Devyn, you can count on her for the rest of your life. She will never forget you. She will never mean to hurt you. She will always stand
up for you. She is loyal. Just when you need someone the most- Devyn is there.

I have seen Devyn go through a lot. I have seen her grow and develop and mature. She looks for the best in everything. When I am having a bad day, or fighting with the hubby, or things are going my way... I call Devyn. She listens. She cares.

Devyn used to always go to her sisters for advice. ALWAYS. From a boy to date, a dress to wear, a college class to take, to a life changing decision. She doesn't do that anymore. We are the ones who call her. We call to ask advice. We call to be reassured that things will work out and be okay. Today I really feel she has grown to be the silent leader in our family. She encourages us all to be our best, to think of each other, and to always write our missionary :) Not only my immediate family, but my cousins and extended family who live close to her in Utah.

These pictures of Devyn are some of my favorites. The first one is of her nursing scrubs. It reminds me how motivated and driven Devyn is to get where she wants to be in life. Whatever she decides to do, she will get there. The second one is of her and NieNie . Devyn doesn't care who you are or what you look like- she will always be your friend.



Emily said...

Happy Birthday Devyn!! I ALWAYS remember your birthday because, well #1: I love you, and #2: it's so awesome how your bday is my half bday and vice versa.. awesome! :) I hope you have a fantastic birthday!

Devyn Pickett said...

britti that was so sweet. im not even sure what to say but thank you and i love you. i love my family more than anything and am glad to always be there for anyone!

Erin and Zach said...

Great post Britti. We love our Devy SO MUCH. SO MUCH!

Cathy said...

I love my kids, and I certainly love my birthday girl Devyn--a sweet post. Thanks Britti! I am sure that we will be seeing more of her leadership abilities in the future. Devyn- thank you for being so kind to me, always, and I so appreciate you always looking out for me. Even when you were in high school- what high schooler is looking out for their mom?? Devyn. I love you!!Have a great day!!!