Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sewing Success

My mother can sew anything. She used to make us Christmas dresses and Easter dresses and Ties for Father's day and Halloween Costumes and on and on and on.

She is amazing.
Somewhere between 4-H sewing lessons and my mom making me rip seam after seam I decided I would never be the seamstress my mother is.

But then came that one skirt, the placemats, the scrub top, and an occasional failure (or 2 or 10).

This time I had to fix the swingset. I had a deadline. I had no pattern except the old swing.
I cut and stiched and pinned and iron and I was determined to not rip any seams.
I did it. It was a success. Not quite perfect, but a success.
Looks pretty good huh?
Plus Cara likes it- and in the end that is all that really matters at this point in my life.


Erin and Zach said...

I am so proud of you!! Yeah, I can sew on a button and that's about it...

Cathy said...

Yea Brittani--it looks perfect and yes if Cara likes it--and if it holds the kids in while they swing!! Anyways it looks great-Congrats!!! XOXO